Current Gold to Silver Ratio

July 19, 2023

The Gold to Silver ratio has now broken back under 80, figured today at 78.75 ounces of Silver to 1 ounce of Gold, as Silver has been outperforming Gold recently.


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Sept 7, 2022

Gold continues to dominate the Gold to Silver ratio.  At today's rates, one ounce of gold will buy 93 ounces of silver

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July 18, 2022

At today's market prices, one ounce of Gold is trading at 91.4 times the price of one ounce of Silver. Historically speaking, a very high Gold to Silver ratio.

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May 11, 2022

At today's market prices, an ounce of Gold is trading at 86 times the price of an ounce of Silver. That's the highest Gold to Silver ratio since mid-2020, and still much higher than the "traditional" ratio of 60 to 1.


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